Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading ability. It’s a common condition, affecting about 5% of the population. Dyslexia can make it difficult for a person to read quickly and accurately. Some kids also have trouble sounding out words. But dyslexia isn’t caused by low intelligence or a lack of motivation. Although dyslexia isn’t a curable condition, there are ways of helping your child. Keep reading to find out more.

Reading child

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
  1. Find out what dyslexia is.

    There are many misconceptions about what dyslexia is and what it isn’t. Sometimes people think that dyslexia is caused by poor parenting or by the child’s teacher. In reality, it’s a condition that has nothing to do with IQ. Dyslexia is a learning disability that can affect reading, writing, spelling, and speech. It can also affect other aspects of life, such as concentration and organization skills. Experts believe that most cases of dyslexia are caused by problems in specific areas of the brain. However, the cause of dyslexia is unknown.

  2. Get help for dyslexia.

    If your child has trouble reading and writing, talk to their teacher about getting extra help. There are professionals who specialize in learning disabilities, and they can teach you ways to help your child. They can teach them different ways to learn and how to compensate for their weaknesses. They also can teach special strategies that can help them read more effectively. You can also hire a professional who specializes in learning disabilities to help your child. Sometimes a tutor who has experience working with children who have dyslexia can help a lot.

  3. Treat the “big” problems first.

    Most cases of dyslexia involve trouble with reading fluency and comprehension. Your child may have trouble identifying words and understanding what they have just read. They may also have difficulty using context clues to figure out the meaning of a sentence. Your child can also have trouble writing because of poor spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

  4. Consider using technical tools.

    If your child is having trouble reading, there are a number of technological tools that can help. For example, you can get a program that reads text out loud for your child. There are also programs that teach your child how to sound out words.

  5. Boost your child’s confidence.

    Teach your child about dyslexia, and explain that it is just a “learning difference”. Help them understand that dyslexia does not define who they are.

Now you have hopefully been inspired to consider getting your child some support. It is tough, but know that you are not alone and there are strategies that you can use. I hope this blog post has given you some insight and ideas that may help you and your child!

Adam Gustavsson

Adam founded IcanRead and is passionate about helping dyslexic children succeed